Celebrate the 100th anniversary of your New York State Parks on Sunday, September 22, 2024 for the inaugural Pedal for the Parks! Starting at Beaver Island on Grand Island, enjoy the West River Shoreline Trail as we ride through Buckhorn State Park, over the northbound GRAND ISLAND BRIDGE which will be closed to traffic and visit Niagara Falls, Whirlpool, Devils Hole and Ft. Niagara State Park (Depending on the length of ride you choose). This is the first time the bridge has been closed for a recreational event! Following the ride, join us for the after party at Beaver Island State Park! Net proceeds from the event will support future NY State Parks community programs.
Beaver Island State Park
103 Commission House Road
Grand Island, NY 14072
REGISTRATION & PACKET PICKUPOnline registration will remain open right up until the start of ride or until sold out. Packet pickup will take place at Beaver Island State Park beginning at 6am. Your registration fee includes an official event shirt (Register by Friday September 13th at 9am for guaranteed shirt. A small quantity of extra shirts will be ordered and distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis until they are gone), post-race party, pit stop and on-course support. In addition, all riders will receive a keepsake pin to commemorate the ride! CLICK HERE to view a printable version of the route from Beaver Island State Park to Frort Niagara.
62 Mile Ride (7:00am Start Time): $70
Turn around at Fort Niagara Lighthouse (Mile 31)
34 Mile Ride (7:30am Start Time): $60
Turn around approx 1/2 mile past Great Lakes 360/Aquarium of Niagara (Mile 17)
16 Mile Ride (8:30am Start Time): $50
Turn around on West River Trail (Mile 8)
CHILDREN 10 and UNDER RIDING (OR BEING TOWED) BY PARENT(S)16 Mile Ride (8:30am Start Time): FREE (shirt not included)
Turn around at West River Trail (Mile 8)
CHILDREN 10 and UNDER BEING TOWED BY A PARENT34 Mile Ride (7:30am Start Time): FREE (shirt not included)
Turn around approx 1/2 mile past Great Lakes 360/Aquarium of Niagara (Mile 17)
Mail-in Registration OptionIf you prefer to mail in your registration, please download both the race waiver and USATF liability waiver below and mail to the address shown. You must complete and mail BOTH waivers to the address shown on the waiver along with your check payable to iRunWNY. Paper applications must be received by 9-15-24.>NY State Parks Bike Ride Application & Waiver
If you would like to avoid the lines and pickup your ride packet early, you are welcome to stop by Beaver Island State Park on Friday September 20th from 5pm to 7pm. We will be setup in the main large parking lot near the start/finish line location for the ride. Look for the RMS custom race trailer parked in the lot for quick and easy drive-up service.
Due to road construction taking place on Friday and Saturday at Joseph Davis State Park, riders will be directed to take Pletcher Road to River Road (see map below)

Course Map GPX Download: For those of you interested in downloading a gpx file of the entire course, you can click to view both the
34 Mile Route and
62 Mile Route.
PIT STOPS (WATER STATIONS/TOILETS)Please review the course maps below. All riders will stay on Greenway Trails unless otherwise instructed by police and/or park officials as needed.
16M, 34M, 64MPIT STOP #1: Outbound Mile 8 (16 mile ride turnaround) located on the bike route along the west shore of Grand Island between Sunset Drive and Bedell Road. There will be water, Gatorade, snacks, and a portable toilet available to all participants.
34M, 64MPIT STOP #2: Outbound Mile 12 located on the bike route at LaSalle Waterfront Park. There will be water, Gatorade, snacks, and park restrooms will be open and available to all participants.
34M, 64MPIT STOP #3: Outbound just past Mile 16 located on the bike route at the Great Lakes 360/Aquarium of Niagara.
Note: This pit stop is located approximately 1/2 mile before the 34 mile turnaround at mile 17. There will be water, Gatorafe, snacks, and a park restrooms will be open and available to all participants.
64MPIT STOP #4: Outbound just prior to Mile 23 located on the bike route at Academy Park in Lewiston across from Tops Market. There will be water, Gatorade, snacks, and park restrooms available to all participants.
64MPIT STOP #5: Outbound Mile 27 located on River Road at the entrance to Joseph Davis State Park. There will be water, Gatorade, and snacks. Restrooms at this location will not be available due to road construction.
64MPIT STOP #6: Outbound Mile 31 (63 mile ride turnaround location) located inside Fort Niagara State Park at Historic Old Fort Niagara/Lighthouse. There will be water, Gatorade, snacks, and park restrooms at Old Fort Niagara Visitor Center will be open and available to all participants. NOTE: There are additional park restrooms available along the route if needed as well.
ALL RIDERSPIT STOP #7: Start/Finish Line located at Beaver Island State Park. There will be water, snacks, and a park restrooms will be open and available to all participants.
It's not that steep!
IMPORTANT: GRAND ISLAND BRIDGE CLOSURE INFORMATIONCyclists participating in the 32 and 64 mile ride will be traveling over the Grand Island Bridge and should attempt to plan their ride to return to the Grand Island Bridge by 10:00am, when the lanes will return to vehicular traffic. Cyclists returning to cross the bridge after 10:00am, when the bridge reopens to traffic, must dismount and use the separated sidewalk, which is designated as part of the Niagara Greenway Shoreline Trail. This is a single-file lane currently used by many riders to cross the bridge.RIDER SUPPORT & EMERGENCY ASSISTANCEAll bike riders will be supplied with a cue sheet that will include detailed directions and the location of each pit stop. The entire ride will take place on Greenway Trails that include open and active roadways. All riders must wear a helmet and follow/obey all traffic devices. Please ride single file and stay alert and aware of your surroundings at all times.
In addition, Blake Robertson will have a team of ride marshals on the course at all three distances being offered. His riders will provide assistance with minor first aid, flat tires, bike adjustments, etc. They will also have cell phones and can call for emergency assistance if needed.

We are excited to announce that Tom's Pro Bike will be on site to offer support on race day that will include bike tuneups in the morning (air in tires, lubricate chains, etc) and service on the course if needed. Additional information will be made available as the date approaches.

Class 1 and 2 e-bikes are welcome to participate in the ride, however CLASS 3 BIKES ARE PROHIBITED. If you require a class 3 bike for mobility issues, please contact the race director for an exemption. Remember that state law limits e-bikes to 20mph and riders will be expected to comply with this law. We expect riders to be respectful and courteous and to follow all traffic and safety rules and guidelines.

Parents who have bikes equipped with child tow trailers (see example above) are also welcome to join the ride! All participants (including children in tow) must wear a helmet at all times and obey all traffic and safety rules and guidelines. Please note that children 10 and under are FREE and parents will need to register them for the bike ride (shirt not included).

POST RACE CELEBRATIONJoin us after the ride starting at 10am for light food/snacks along with live music featuring the Soul Committee until 12:30pm. Each rider will receive a food voucher along with a drink ticket good for a free beer or soda. Riders will be announced by name as they cross the finish line and celebrate their ride! Additional information on activities planned will be posted here in the near future!PARKING
There will be plenty of free parking available at Beaver Island State Park.
For additional information on the race or sponsorship opportunities available, please contact Angela Berti at angela.berti@parks.ny.gov. For registration or general questions please contact iRunWNY (Paul Beatty) at 716-998-5777 or via email at pbeatty@iRunWNY.com.
In the event of foul weather, public safety concerns, or for any other reason deemed necessary by event organizers, we want riders to know up front that we reserve the right to reschedule the ride OR convert it to a virtual bike ride. In the event we have to convert to a virtual ride, bikers will have the option to ride the distance they selected on their own during a designated window of time and we will automatically mail out your race swag (shirt, etc). There will be no refunds.
Professional timing and finish line services using industry leading Jaguar Electronic RFID timing will be provided by Race Management Solutions. This is a ride (not a race) however we will use the timing system to keep track of participants and updated finish times throughout the ride. Finisher information can be accessed at any time after crossing the finish line using any one of the following options:
- FREE ITSYourRace Mobile App
- RMS Race Results Kiosk/Printer
- Scrolling Results TV Monitor
- ITSYourRace.com
- RaceManagementSolutions.com
Race participants can also use the ITSYourRace platform to view and share finish line photos with family and friends for free on Facebook. Custom finisher certificates can also be downloaded from the results page at no charge!
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